Nothing but blue skies from now on...

Nothing but blue skies from now on...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Is it me or?

Well, here it is. My third attempt at starting a blog. Hopefully this one will be the one that I can set up and actually use....not much hair left to pull out now...fingers crossed this one spells success.

Not really sure what this blog spot will entail. There are so many thoughts that pass through this head of mine. I am sure it will be filled with many random thoughts, rants, tips, experiences, questions and other things. I figured the first step would be to just get PAST the template set up, get happy with the layout, maybe even figure out how to get some music know, sort of "move in" to blogland. Once my pictures are hung and the tables arranged, perhaps a sudden stroke of genius will occur....perhaps just a stroke. Here's hoping for the first...

Yes, like a newborn baby I have arrived to blogland gulping in mouthfuls of air, screaming and even feeling a bit naked but I am ready to grow and evolve into a worthy blogger whose words may one day be worth reading. In the meantime, I shall press forward and learn how to crawl before I walk....

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